Since it's inception in 2018 the ADA have contributed over $28,000 to this partnership which has seen over 123  subsidised drinking-water fountains installed  in 43 schools and early childhood centres in Auckland 

water works wondersAfter receiving a request from a primary school for funding of a drinking-water  fountain, the ADA decided to explore how we could provide drinking-water fountains to not just one school, but to many and to include early childhood centres in the mix.  ‘Switch to water, switch off tooth decay’ is the result – a partnership  with Mountain Fresh that sees both the ADA and Mountain Fresh provide a financial contribution towards the purchase and installation of drinking-water  fountains in any Auckland primary school and early childhood centre. 

The discounted amount can mean a saving of up to $600 per unit for a school (depending on the type of unit fountain pruchased).  In return for the discount, the school or early childhood centre must agree to have our ‘Switch to water’ plaque mounted on the fountain.

This partnership has enabled us to strengthen the NZDA's 'switch to water' message at a local level.  

To find out how your school or early childhood centre can receive an ADA discount on a drinking-water fountain purchased from Mountain Fresh please contact Melinda Mayor at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Story of Mayfield Kindergarten, 2022 beneficiary of a fully-funded water-drinking fountain.

mayfield kindergarten“We want to be a water only kindergarten. We have dental problems in our community, some of our tamariki have carries. We encourage the drinking of water instead of fizzy /juice / flavoured drinks, improving healthy attitudes and outcomes for our tamariki and community. Water has 0% calories and we are trying to educate our whanau on drinking water only. We are encouraging our whanau to give fizzy drinks and juice only as a treat. The fountain donated by the Auckland Dental Association is very visible to everyone as they enter the gate, very attractive and next to the garden. When tamariki are drinking water, it can water the plants as well. Tamariki can use the drinking fountain if they don’t have a drinking bottle. This helps us to reduce single-use plastic waste and also use of plastic bottles. Some of our tamariki come without a water bottle.  Now, we don’t have to worry about who has not brought a water bottle.  Tamariki can independently use the fountain and stay hydrated.  Our tamariki here prefer to play outside, so the fountain is an assest in our outside environment.

 As an enviro-school, we empower our tamariki and whanau to implement sustainable practices encouraging the enviro-school principles of kaitiakitanga, manaakitanga and whanauatanga. Our care code is “we care for the environment, all living creatures and each other”. The water fountain really aligns with our enviro-school kaupapa. We are very grateful for this kind gesture.