Winter Sports = Mouthguard Time!
Switch to water, switch off tooth decay!
Brush twice a day!
Change fizzy for water.
A good game starts with a mouthguard.
Floss the teeth you want to keep!
MEMBERSHIP PROCESS: You must be a current NZDA member to be eligible for ADA membership. Please complete and submit the below application form. We look forward to welcoming you to the Auckland Dental Association.
format: dd-mm-yyyy
i.e. Dental Surgeon, Oral Surgeon, Endodontist
This information will be used to create your free listing on the ADA’s Find-a-Dentist website. Upon completion of the membership process you will be issued with ADA website log-in details.
(i.e general dentistry, crown & bridge, cosmetic, paediatric, implants, etc) This information is for our find-a-dentist website available to the general public by locality listing.
Please advise which email address you prefer to be contacted on.
Please enter any other additional practices details that you also provide your services from as applicable.
I hereby apply for admission as a member of the Auckland Dental Association (A Branch of the NZDA) and agree to its Rules and to promote its objects and interests.